Pollinator Pathway
Learn more about Pollinator Pathways and register your home at pollinator-pathway.org. See Irvington's list of Native Species from the Tree Commission.
The Irvington Pollinator Pathway Project is a collaboration of the Greater Irvington Land Trust, the Green Policy Task Force, the Friends of the Irvington Library, the O’Hara Nature Center and a wide range of Irvington residents and land owners. Our mission is to (i) engage and educate our community about the relationship between pollinators and native plants, (ii) promote public awareness about the crucial role that pollinators play in sustaining our environment and supporting our food chain, and (iii) support efforts to preserve and protect both public and private open space throughout our Village.
We are working with a wide range of groups to develop pollinator-friendly gardens throughout the Village that support native plants and promote biodiversity. We have also established a Living Classroom Series, which invites in speakers to address topics of interest for the community.
For further information please contact: Chet Kerr at chetkerr@gmail.com
Mayors' Monarch Pledge
The monarch butterfly is an iconic species whose eastern populations have declined 90%. In March 2024, the Village of Irvington showed its commitment to help save monarch butterflies and other pollinators by taking the National Wildlife Federation’s annual Mayors’ Monarch Pledge. The Village committed to issue a proclamation to raise awareness about the decline of the monarch butterfly and the species’ need for habitat. The Village further committed to plant and maintain a monarch and pollinator-friendly demonstration garden at the Old Croton Aqueduct State Park south of Main Street in Irvington while working with gardening leaders and partners to support monarch butterfly conservation.
The best way you can contribute to our mission is by planting native, nectar-producing plants, like milkweed.
Attract Birds to your Garden
Learn from the Ardsley Pollinator Pathway
New Program: Aqueduct Pollinator Gardens
The Irvington Pollinator Pathway, as part of the larger Rivertowns Pollinator Project, is excited to announce a new program with the State of New York Parks Department that will allow adjacent landowners to create pollinator-friendly native plant gardens in the Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park. Please click the link below to get a copy of these Guidelines and the Aqueduct Pollinator Garden Permit form.
The following native plants have been successfully established through this program without succumbing to deer pressure:
1. American Wintergreen
2. ‘Blue Ice’ Bluestar
3. Bluestem Goldenrod
4. Blunt Mountain Mint
5. Butterfly Weed
6. Cardinal Flower
7. Celandine Poppy
8. Foxglove Beardtongue
9. Golden Ragwort
10. Heath Aster
11. Hoary Skullcap
12. Ohio Spiderwort
13. Orchard Grass
14. Parasol Whitetop
15. Robin’s Plantain
16. Slender Mountain Mint
17. Tufted Hairgrass
18. White Wood Aster
19. Woodland Pinkroot
Past Pollinator Presentations
Visit our Pollinator Garden on the Aquaduct in Irvington
Tiny Vampires: Understanding Mosquitos and Ticks in our Landscape
By Melissa Reavis
Stopping the Second Silent Spring: Reining in Neonic Pesticides with the NYS Birds and Bees Protection Act.
by Dan Raichel
The EcoType Project: The Right Plants for the Right Place
by Sefra Alexandra
Electric Leaf Blowers and
Sustainable Lawn Care
Sustainable Lawn Care