Irvington Green Policy Task Force
January 2024
2023 Review & 2024 Plans
On December 12th, Sustainability Director Charlotte Binns presented to the board on an annual metrics review, Clean Energy Communities Campaigns, and the Village Climate Action Plan and Mitigation Strategies. You can see the slides here or watch the meeting here from 1:15.
2024 Goal
Our goal for the new year is to empower more residents to have an impact and harness collective action to become a leading environmental municipality in New York State. On Feb 7th, our first monthly meeting of the year, we will refresh the Irvington Green Policy Task Force structure to enlist and empower more people effect change. We have created a new Volunteer page and will divide into Sub-Committees organized into our website pillars of Climate, Energy, Land and Waste. Participants have the opportunity to select from a great number of tasks that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and potentially earn the Village grant funds.
Irvington Green Policy Task Force
November 2023
School Wellness & Sustainability Update
The school entered into a new food contract with Aramark that began this year. See the document below for a list of new provisions. Note that 25% of produce is sourced locally. And flatware is now compostable. Now we need to make sure the kids compost them.
One of the challenges of keeping healthy food in the schools and mitigating waste is the amount of door dash deliveries ordered by the students. A relatively new phenomenon, it poses many problems on campus and should be discouraged by parents:
The delivery cars do not follow the rules of the road, park anywhere, and are generally disruptive.
The food does not follow any of the state requirements for health, not to mention the meticulous choices the school has made to ensure no corn syrup, artificial dyes, trans fats etc.
It generates a lot of waste.
It undermines our negotiating power with Aramark, to ensure even higher standards, because it significantly reduces the size of our overall bid.
It is an equity issue when some folks can have indulgent foods and others cannot.
If anyone would like to try and run a campaign about this, the PTSA Greening Committee would support you.
There are now three well sign-posted compost bins in the cafeteria on campus with a monitor stationed by them, however the kids are not using them well.
One reason is that custodial staff bring the garbage bins to the tables to help keep things clean (lucky kids!), so they will now bring a compost bin around as well.
Jon Hirsh will work with the HS students who led the initiative to brainstorm strategies for improved outcomes.
The custodial staff are counting bags to track growth and success.
Dows Lane is bringing compost back to the cafeteria with a rotation of parents who will be situated by the bins on either side of the room. The PTSA is looking for volunteers to help the kids in the cafeteria. If you are an interested parent, please sign up here.
The outdoor compost tumbler may come back into use!
Snacks could also be composted in the classrooms, as they were during the pandemic, with a supply of tubs and liners.
Dr. Kantor is looking into installing a Terracyle bin for snack wrappers and hard to recycle items. The 3rd grade Recycling Rangers could transport these items to the main bin.
Crayola can collect markers for recycling if the PTSA can organize and fund it.
Main Street school continues to be the model of waste mitigation and proves that the students can rise to the occasion. We should all talk to our kids about recycling and composting at school.
NYSERDA has established the NY School Bus Incentive Program (NYSBIP) to assist school districts in meeting the zero-emission bus timelines: all school buses purchased by 2027 must be zero-emission buses, with the entire fleet transitioned to zero emission by 2035. $100M will be available to fund the acquisition of new ESBs and charging infrastructure costs.
Irvington is looking into this with the Ardsley school bus consortium (Ardsley, Hastings, Dobbs and Edgemont) but the number of districts involved complicates matters and most buses are owned by outside vendors. The grant application has a rolling deadline starting November 29, 2023.
The Environmental club is continuing their wonderful pollinator garden project and hope to eventually cover the entire area before the berm (just west and downhill from the high school). The idea is to avoid having to mow there in the future.
New native plants have gone in around the HS entrance in an effort to reduce mowing.
The school will start mulch mowing soon, which may look and sound like mowing, but is not.
Dr. Kantor is bringing back the garden at Dows Lane. A grant and the VIP kids helped to restore the beds and fill them with soil. She is open to a stipend to hire someone to run the curriculum.
Alissa Campbell, the Dows Lane School Counselor, is working with IEF and PTSA grants to reinstate the Dows Lane garden. The garden was completely cleaned out and new beds and soil was added in October with the help of the VIP program.
The complaints have been registered and the school is taking action. 6 new No Idling signs are going up on campus. Help us spread the word - idling for more than 3 consecutive minutes is against the law - and for good reason, it produces both air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Fines can be issued for $250.
Irvington Green Policy Task Force
September 2023
Irvington on Climate
Climate Talks: Bringing It Home - Starting September 6
Each first Wednesday of the month, Irvington Green invites the community to gather and discuss local environmental issues and opportunities to have an impact. This fall we are adding a speaker series to address global issues, understand potential impacts on our village, and explore strategic responses.
Starting September 6th, at the library at 7pm RSVP here. Tickets are free limited.
Sept 6 Warwick Norton: Former Director of Meteorology and Climate Research at Cumulus Weather and Cumulus Energy funds. Previously conducted research for Oxford and Cambridge universities as well as at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado
Topic: Heat Waves, Forest Fires and Flooding, from Global Scales to Irvington Village
Oct 4 John Nolon: Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, Co-Counsel, Land Use Law Center, Pace University. Previously Adjunct Professor of land use law and policy at the Yale School of the Environment.
Topic: Climate Change and the Mysterious Power of Local Land Use Law
Nov 1 Seth Godin: Author of 21 bestsellers, the creator of one of the most popular blogs in the world, and a lifelong entrepreneur and teacher.
Topic: The Carbon Almanac, a Collaborative Resource
Dec 6 Amy Larkin: Author of Environmental Debt: The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy. Former Vice Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change and Solutions Director for Greenpeace.
Topic: Environmental Debt, Hidden Costs and The End of Single Use Plastic
Join our conversation, guest speakers, light food and action plans. Learn more and RSVP here: Scroll down to find past event documentation.
Irvington’s Climate Action Plan
Irvington’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions includes the creation of a Climate Action Plan. The process takes place from February of 2023 to August of 2024 as part of a DEC Climate Smart Communities grant funded program and is guided by the Hudson Valley Regional Council and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.
We have completed the first stage, which is a GHG emissions inventory and analysis of municipally owned buildings, infrastructure, vehicle fleet, street lights and more. The full report can be found here. The good news is that the biggest impact actions are already in the works or done: updating our fleet with EVs and overhauling the HVAC in our Town Hall, Senior Center, Library and Fire Station.
This fall we will consider mitigation strategies. In the spring, we will define goals and solicit feedback from stakeholders. We aim to have a Climate Action Plan in place by the summer of 2024. Starting in September, we will also begin the process to analyze our community residential GHG emissions.
Irvington Green is always looking for folks to help:
Help organize events - from electric equipment landscaper demonstrations to EV vendor fairs.
Table at events - hang out at the Farmers Market, talk to the community and share literature.
Tackle Climate Smart Communities tasks.
Remove invasive species - through the GPTF or Parks, we are currently focused on vacuuming and killing Spotted Lanterflies. We also remove invasive plants.
Please reach out to if you would like to help.
Click here and choose GPTF to stay up on our news.
Visit our extensive local sustainability resources at
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Irvington Green Policy Task Force
August 2023
Spotted Lanternfly, Climate Talks
The Spotted Lanternfly Has Arrived
We have known for years that it was coming. The Village of Irvington has now received numerous reports of Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) sightings. SLF is an invasive, destructive pest from Asia that primarily feeds on Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) but can also feed on a wide variety of plants such as grapevines, red and silver maple, walnut, sycamore, rose bushes, oak, birch, fruit trees, Virginia creeper, Porcelain berry and others. This insect threatens New York's forests and agricultural and tourism industries. SLFs feed by sucking on sap which stresses plants, making them vulnerable to disease and attacks from other insects. As adult SLFs feed, they excrete honeydew, a sugary substance, which can attract bees, wasps, and other insects. The honeydew also builds up and promotes the growth for sooty mold (fungi), which can cover the plant, forest understo-ries, patio furniture, and cars etc. NYS is asking its residents to kill SLF egg masses, nymphs and adults.
Help Stop the Spread by Manually Removing the Pest
• Squish them: Approach them from the back if possible. SLFs get tired after about 3 jumps so are easier to catch.
• Use a vacuum: use a handheld vacuum with a clear, removable canister (not a bag); to prevent spread through waste management, immediately dispose of the SLF from the canister into a sealed ziploc bag with a squirt of hand sanitizer.
• Trap them: Use a wide mouth plastic bottle and seal them in with a shot of water. Tree traps can be purchased or made at home. Install and monitor circle traps on Ailanthus trees. Please AVOID using glue traps as they also kill beneficial insects as well as birds.
• Destroy any Lanterfly egg masses by immediately scraping them into alcohol or hand sanitizer in a sealed ziplock bag. They can be found September to June.
• The Green Policy Task Force is not currently recommending insecticides and herbicides for the control of Spotted Lanternflies. Residents should adhere to Village rules and regulations regarding tree removal and the use of pesticides.
Residents are encouraged to document SLF sightings by joining the "Spotted Lanternfly Watch FLX" group on iNaturalist.
Photos should include a scale when possible, such as a coin or ruler.
More information can be found on the website of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Penn State Extension and Irvington Green:
For more information and a printable flyer, go to our Invasive Species page here.
Climate Talks - Save the Dates
We gather on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm at the Irvington Library to discuss local environmental issues and opportunities to have an impact. Starting in September, we are adding a speaker series to address how climate change may impact our community and consider strategic responses. Our guest speakers are Westchester residents with climate expertise that spans the globe.
Topics will include weather patterns and local flood risks; how comparable communities are using land use law to implement climate adaptation and mitigation strategy with impacts that are much further reaching; potential impacts of proximity to NYC; and social justice considerations of carbon capture.
Join our conversation, guest speakers, light food and action plans. Learn more and RSVP here.
Past events are documented with photos and minutes at
Irvington Green is always looking for folks to help:
Help organize events - from electric equipment landscaper demonstrations to EV vendor fairs.
Tackle Climate Smart Communities tasks - see how other communities have solved the challenge and modify for Irvington.
Remove invasive species - through the GPTF or Parks, we are currently focused on vacuuming and killing Spotted Lanterflies. We also remove invasive plants.
Please reach out to if you would like to help.
Irvington Green Policy Task Force
June 2023
Waste Not
This month, Irvington Green is focusing on Waste. Learn all the ways you can mitigate and responsibly dispose of waste locally in our flier below, which you can also download here. And if you missed it, you can download and print our overview of sustainable landscaping practices here. Find all of these resources and more on
Tonight, 7pm at Village Hall, there will be a public forum on the gas powered leaf blower ban. If you want to share your views, come in person or zoom in. A link and agenda can be found here.
Wednesday June 7th at 7pm, Irvington Green hosts its monthly meet up at the library. Guest speaker Vincent Nicolosi of the Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities will speak about the County’s food scrap recycling efforts; including, the County’s Residential Food Scrap Recycling and Transportation Program (RFSTAD) as well as the growing CompostED Program. RSVP here.
Saturday June 10th 2-5pm Old Croton Aquaduct clean up, pollinator garden maintenance and removal of invasive species. NEW: The invasive Spotted Lanternfly has arrived in Irvington. The Lower Hudson Partnership for Regional Invasive Management will help us learn to recognize and remove them without the use of chemicals.
Sunday June 25th 1-4pm Repair Cafe will be hosted at the library.
Irvington high school students tie for 2nd place in the Bedford2030 Greenlight Awards with their initiative to expand composting on the campus and in the community!
Well done Jake Epple, Banjamin Kasoff and Emmaline LeBuhn!
Irvington Sustainability Director Charlotte Binns was also there as a judge for the 2nd group of projects. Irvington represents!
New: A Resilient River Towns Sustainable Living Map.
Find local restaurants & shops that offer sustainably sourced products, health & wellness, green spaces and public transport at the digital map here. As always, share feedback and suggestions via our Contact form.
Irvington Green
NEWSLETTER: Earth Day & Call for Volunteers
April 2023
April is National Volunteer Month and Earth Day is Saturday April 22nd. Irvington is ramping up environmental campaigns and WE NEED YOU.
Find yourself in the descriptions below and enlist in a group. Then scroll down for some Earth Month celebrations in Irvington and beyond.
Irvington Green Volunteeers
Do you find yourself getting worked up about waste, plastics in our water, mass extinction, the decommissioning of Indian Point by a disreputable company, extreme weather events, ecosystem collapse or climate destabilization? Are you a closet doomsday prepper? Concerned for future generations? Or just want your family to be able to walk and bike safely? The Green Policy Task Force will harness that energy for good!
Together, we can build efficient and resilient energy, ecology and supply chain systems in advance of pandemic-level disruptions. As a community in action, we can support the local green economy, forge bonds with solutions-oriented folks and work to enjoy lush forests, safe streets and clean air and waterways for the rest of our years.
Skill Sets:
We are looking for a diverse representation of people and skill sets to form working groups focused on Climate, Safe Streets, Energy, Waste and Land Stewardship.
Do you love research, data analysis and earning points? We have action tasks for you with Climate Smart Communities. Help us get to Silver!
Are you happiest in nature and just need an excuse to hang out with friends while digging in the dirt? We have gardens that need you.
Are you a connector-communicator? Will you help us get the word out to your church, neighborhood, yoga class, bandmates, mahjong group and book clubs? Or can you whip up a snappy social post? Shoot a quick video? Make yourself known.
Are you an organization maven, list mistress/master, wo/man with a plan? Let’s create memorable events together.
The Green Policy Task Force will meet monthly at the Library for social work gatherings. Mark your calendars for the first Wednesday of the month starting May 3rd at 7pm and dig in with us. All are welcome. RSVP to
Other Village Committees:
The village has many committees that depend on volunteers. Please take a look and see if you might like to join one. The Tree Preservation Commission is currently in need of new members. If you are interested in serving on any of these Boards or Committees, please email Village Administrator Lawrence Schopfer or call (914) 591-4358
Volunteer Spotlight: Nicola Coddington
Nikki is seen here with a bag she had made for a Dows Lane Earth Day in 1998. Nikki has served as a Village Trustee and Mayor and worked on some form of local green committee for more than 25 years. She has been the Executive Director for New York Interfaith Power & Light, the Energy Conservation Coordinator for Greenburgh, Co-Coordinator of Planting Westchester, Chairman of the Irvington Woods Committee and Copy Editor for this very newsletter (thanks Nikki!).
You model the essence of sustainability with your calm demeanor and persistent passion.
We love you!
Irvington Earth Day Events
Irvington Green Earth Day celebration at the Farmers Market on Sunday April 23rd
The launch of a new Resilient Rivertowns sustainable living map.
Various student groups will show off an impressive array of environmental projects.
Fun activities for the little ones. More soon!
Education about the ways you can save money and support clean energy.
Japanese Barberry Removal in the Irvington Woods: register in the Nature Programs
When: April 15th and 22nd 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Where: O’Hara Nature Center
When: April 29th 10:30AM - 12:00PM
Where: O’Hara
Old Croton Aqueduct Clean Up and Vine Removal
When: April 30 2:30-4:30pm
Where: Old Croton Aqueduct
Regional Earth Month Events
Greenburgh Nature Center: Natural Connection
When: April, Saturdays (1,15, 22, 29) 10AM-12PM
Where: 99 Dromore Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583
Tarrytown Environmental Advisory Council Meet the Arborist and learn about local trees
When: April 1 9AM - 11AM
Where: Lakes parking lot - Tarrytown
Untermyrer Gardens Birdhouse building workshop
When: April 2 · 10:30 - 11:30am
Where: Cola Community Center
When: April 8 10AM - 12PM
Where: Lakes parking lot Neperan RD
Tarrytown Glenville Woods trail Blaze
When: April 8 1:30PM - 3:30PM
Where: lower lakes pump house
When: April 15 10AM - 2PM
Where: Neighborhood house,43 Wildey street Tarrytown
When: April 16 10AM - 2PM
Where: Lakes parking lot Neperan Rd
Sustainable Dobbs: Woodland Walking tours
When: April 21 - Riverview Manor Walking Tour
April 23 - The Children’s Nature Walk
May 1 - Chauncey Park, Dobbs Ferry
May 1 - South County Trail (north end)
May 7 - South County Trail (south end)
Where: Dobbs ferry
When: April 22 8:30AM - 10AM
Where: Lakes parking lot Neperan Rd
When: April 22 10PM
Where: Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Great saw mill river cleanup 2023
When: April 22 10AM - 1PM
Where: Groundwork Hudson Valley
Tarrytown Village wide clean up
When: April 22 10AM - 12PM
Where: Patriots park
Tarrytown Pollinator garden clean up
When: April 22 10AM - 12PM
Where: Parking lot next to the sleepy hollow high school field
Tarrytown Village Wide clean up
When: April 22 1PM - 3PM
Where: The crest - TBD
Irvington Earth Day Celebrations
When: April 23
Where: Farmers Market, Main Street
When: April 23
Where: Warburton Avenue, Hastings
When: April 23 1PM - 3PM
Where: Lakes parking lot
Tarrytown Film screening: the story of plastic
When: April 23 4PM - 5:30PM
Where: Neighborhood house,43 Wildey street Tarrytown
Tarrytown Kids day, healthy kids YMCA
When: April 29 11AM - 3PM
Where: Patriots park
Tarrytown Community garden spring prep
When: April 30 9AM - 12PM
Where: Community garden, John Pauding school, on the corner of Broadway and cobb lane
Tarrytown Clothing and housewares swap
When: April 30 10AM - 2PM
Where: The Neighborhood House, 43 Wildey St - Park on South circle in Patriots Park
When: May 06 9AM - 12PM
Where: Kayak Launch Tarrytown, Lot G
Untermyer gardens president’s tour with Stephen F. Byrns
When: May 7 11:00AM to 12:30PM
Where: Untermyer Gardens Conservancy 945 North Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701
Sustainable Dobbs: Kiss the Ground documentary screening
When: May 11
6:30PM Reception & light refreshments
7:00PM Film screening
Where: Dobbs ferry Public library
Sleepy Hollow Environmental Advisory Committee Earth Day Volunteer Celebration
When: May 22 12PM
Where: Barnhart Park, Sleepy Hollow, NY
Sleepy Hollow Environmental Advisory Committee Annual Earth Day Litter Cleanup event
When: May 22 10AM
Where: Reverend Sykes Park (the corner of Valley St. and Wildey St.)
Girls Scouts & The Irvington Woods Park
The Irvington Girl Scouts have put together a letter to the Irvington Board of Trustees highlighting all of the fantastic work the scouts have been doing with CJ in the Irvington Woods Park. We LOVE everything about this. Read all the letters here.
Irvington Green
NEWSLETTER: Sustainable Landscaping
March 2023
Welcome to GPTF News
One of the biggest ways we can have an ecological impact, as Irvington residents, is in how we manage our landscapes and gardens. Common practices adversely affect soil, water and wildlife, while contributing to CO2 emissions. Habitat loss is a challenge for virtually all species, as humans convert natural habitats to other land uses, disrupt the balance, and introduce chemicals and invasive species that kill or outcompete native species to the point of extinction. Sustainable practices, on the other hand, bolster a healthy biodiverse ecosystem, support food security and sustained livelihoods, mitigate the impacts of extreme weather and sequester carbon.
60% of our Sustainability Survey participants said they wanted to contribute to climate action with sustainable garden upgrades and maintenance. Here is how you can do that.
Sustainable Landscaping: Best Practices offers guidance on everything from leaf mulching, native and invasive species, tree stewardship, water conservation and lawn care. A handy overview pamphlet can be found at the Town Hall, or at the Farmers Market soon.
Work with your landscapers to follow best practices. offers helpful guidance on interviewing landscapers, a checklist of discussion points and resources for landscaper support (associations, education, native nurseries and materials in English and Spanish).
Healthy Yards has compiled a list of landscapers who offer sustainable services. We are collecting recommendations from residents for companies who use electric equipment and follow sustainable practices in the community. Please note: we cannot vet claims made by landscaping companies. It is important that you discuss their practices with them directly.
Leaf Blower Ban
On November 3, 2020, the village passed Local Law #8 2020 banning gas powered leaf blowers from December 16, 2023. The ban will be enforced with financial penalties for the violators and property owners. So make sure to talk to your landscapers now.
Gas-powered leaf blowers pollute the environment in 3 ways: exhaust emissions, noise, and particulates/dust blown into the air. Per the Department of Environmental Conservation website: "Emissions from gas-powered leaf blowers are substantial. The amount of CO (carbon monoxide) emitted from a typical backpack leaf blower for just 1 hour is equal to CO coming from the tailpipe of a current year automobile operating for over 8 hours. For the other pollutants, the amounts are even greater." Click here to learn more about a state bill prohibiting gas-powered leaf and lawn blowers.
The village has already converted 90% of its gas powered leaf blower and mower equipment to electric, with the remaining 10% of gas powered machines retained as backup for extreme circumstances.
Great Landscaping News on the School Campus!
Last August, Superintendent Kristopher Harrison told the board that the school district landscape would work toward becoming a model of sustainability. In the fall, a Sustainable Landscaping Committee was formed.
Members include:
Peter Strom: horticulturist, Tree Officer for Sleepy Hollow and Consultant to the Parks Department
Suzanne Nolan: landscape architect and consultant to the Village
CJ Reilly: educational and horticultural developer for the Parks Department & O’Hara Nature Center
Chet Kerr: of the Irvington Pollinator Pathway Project and Greater Irvington Land Trust
Several community members and members of the Green Policy Task Force,
Students and a teacher from the HS Environmental Club, a school board member and District Administration including Head of Facilities
Already, the school has:
1- Bought all native trees to replace the trees that were removed for the capital project on the High School campus.
2- Identified areas where the leaves can be left to encourage pollinator habitat and nourish the soil.
3- Launched plans for a rain and pollinator garden on the high school campus, led by the Environmental Club.
4- Begun explorations to bring back the Dows Lane garden.
5- Purchased emission-free electric leaf blowers
And student Joanna Paul, the GPTF Student Liaison, organized Fun Run for a More Sustainable Irvington on October 16, 2022, raising funds that will be used for planting and maintenance of the future native gardens at IMS/IHS campus.
The Irvington School District, Recreation and Parks Department and O’Hara Nature Center staff are partnering on several programs, including vocational training, landscape management and horticulture. Scroll down to Irvington Woods to learn more.
Interested in helping to maintain school gardens in the summer?
Reach out to Irvington Sustainability Director Charlotte Binns at
Irvington Woods
The Parks Department's CJ Reilly has led numerous significant stewardship projects in the Irvington Woods and O'Hara Nature Center including:
For an overview of O'Hara Nature Center Activities (2022 - 2023) click here
Linking Habitat Development to Educational Programming and Stewardship click here
Harvard Research Projects in the Irvington Woods click here
2022 DEC Tree Planting Project and Greater Irvington Land Trust (GILT) Deer Exclosure Grant click here
Cornell Long-Term Pollinator Research Project at the ONC click here
Vocational Independence Program—Partnership between the Village of Irvington Rec. and Parks and the Irvington School District click here
The Parks department regularly hosts invasive species removal days of service in the woods. It is a fun activity for the whole family with pizza, donuts and hot chocolate. You can stay up on volunteer opportunities by signing up through the Parks Department portal here.
We love Bedford 2030 Forums. The Power of Trees offers an impressive immersion into the world of trees. Learn from the experts March 25, 9am-1pm, Fox Lane HS. Register at
Share Your Eco Story or Event
We want to hear what environmental actions you or your kids are taking. Please share stories and any events to Charlotte Binns
Click here to sign up for all GPTF news
(choose “GPTF”)
Irvington Green
NEWSLETTER: Sustainability Survey Results
February 2023
Create a high level overview of the issues to:
Expose people to the array of potential initiatives
Hear sentiments, priorities and suggestions
Learn who might participate and in what way - to organize outreach
Learn about any expertise that might be put to use
Residents were asked to share what they deemed to be a priority for the village across the categories of Climate, Biodiversity and Waste, and a bit about how they might like to take action. 5 stars is the biggest priority.
140 residents responded, with nearly 100 offering to participate in some way!
The number one polled priority is Stewardship of our Parks and Woods. The Parks department and C.J. Reilly at the O’Hara Nature Center are currently running and rolling out numerous stewardship programs which are effectively saving the Irvington Woods. But they depend on community volunteers. We will share more about this work in the coming months. In the meantime, you can stay up on volunteer opportunities by signing up through the Parks Department portal here.
Offers to participate were primarily focused on:
1- Composting. We are looking into expanding compost collection offerings. Find information on current food scrap solutions here and backyard composting here.
2- Sustainable garden upgrades and maintenance. Landscapers are strongly encouraged to participate in a free and catered workshop including electric equipment demos: February 15, 2023 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Fire House in Nyack, NY. Learn more at New York - State of the Industry Symposium Final_Rev-2 Visit to register. Space is limited and selling out.